"Peregrination 2"
with accompanying hand labyrinth walk.
Sharing circle with Therese Welsh
Join Therese on Monday 23 October 2023 6:45-8:15 pm (AEDT) (6:15 SA time, 5:45 pm QLD time, 3:45 pm WA time) for a sharing circle.
Therese will share her insights from her June 2023 visit to Chartres and beyond.
Please note the Sharing Circle is a monthly event, held on the second Monday of each month at 6:45 pm AEST.

Therese Welsh - Educator, Facilitator, Practitioner
Therese is a Learning Support Teacher at Eugowra with over 37 years’ experience in primary education. Therese’s passion is inclusivity and she creatively supports staff in providing adjustments to the curriculum for all students.
Therese built a bush labyrinth using local and gathered stones and shells on her sheep farm in Eugowra, Central West NSW in 2019 where she hosts guided walks and events regularly. Therese has presented labyrinths to school children, community groups and via online webinars.
Therese is a Melchizedek Labyrinth Healing Practitioner. Inspired by keynote speaker Tony Ærcyus Christie to engage with the energy of the classical labyrinth and explore the healing potential of labyrinth walking in conjunction with energy balancing through the chakra points. She completed level 1 and 2 of the courses in 2022.
She is a Veriditas trained Labyrinth Facilitator. After many years co facilitating labyrinth walks at Shalom House of Prayer in Carcoar, in her community and on farm, she decided to formalise this training with Veriditas in 2023. She is part of group of the Australian-trained Veriditas facilitators trained by Chris Rowntree in Melbourne in 2023.
Therese is a member of the ALN and part of the working group for World Labyrinth Day in Educational Settings. She enjoys Newsreels, gatherings and following fellow members in their joy of sharing the labyrinth.
Therese enjoys collecting labyrinths, saving images, walking, and photographing various labyrinths across the globe. She enjoys sharing her labyrinth wisdom with others. She was excited recently to see 2 new labyrinths birthed following engagement at the Round Range Labyrinth.