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labyrinth lovers newsreel

The labyrinth lovers newsreel is a dynamic offering of presentations, discussion groups, webinars, videos and more, created by members, for members, promoting the flourishing of the labyrinth in as many directions as we have vision to take it. Each column below has details for the zoom session and topic coordinator, and links to any past recordings.

If you have a labyrinth-related topic that you would like to share, please email us with your topic, and which month/day/time you would like to offer it, and someone will get back to you. Of course, it is helpful if you give us at least one month's notice to prepare the event page and invite people.

Video invitation to Newsreel

newsreel 2023

2023 - 9 Oct Peregrination 1 

Therese Welsh shares her visit to Chartres part 1.


2023 -23 Oct Peregrination 2

Therese Welsh shares more of her journey and pilgrimage to Chartres.


2023 - 17 Sep - Singing in Flowers with Judith Keller

Judith shares her research and interest in Australian flora and the connection with Country, labyrinths and many other aspects of life and spirituality.


2023 - 4 Sep - Walking Together, Listening with Heart

A discussion about how labyrinth lovers might use the labyrinth to engage community discussion on the Voice to Parliament.


2023 ALN Members Special Newsreels - 21 Aug

Part 1 recording - Planning for the next ALN Gathering

Part 2 recording - Regional Representatives - what's the future looking like?

If you wish to have input to either of these discussions, please email 

 2023 - 14 Aug - The Pace of Peace with Angelo Virgona

A discussion and hand labyrinth walk convened by Ange - a delight as always.


2023 - 23 June - ALN Wisdom Keepers - Dr Lisa Shortridge

In this Newsreel, Mark Healy holds conversation with Dr Lisa Shortridge, a life-time member of ALN who has contributed greatly to the spread of labyrinth in south-western Victoria.


2023 - 15 April - Preparing for World Labyrinth Day with Louise Mason

Louise and attendees share ideas, resources and links to the global organisers of World Labyrinth Day. Here's the video link, here's the chat from the zoom call.

Presentation notes and resource links

International Peace Day quotes and ideas

newsreel 2022

2022 - 29 October
"After Chartres"
Hand labyrinth meditation with
Sue Thomas

Recording is here. The sharing sessions after the meditations are not recorded to provide privacy for the attendees.

2022 - 12 November
Chartres slide-show and sharing with Sue Thomas

The recording is here. Such a delight to hear Sue's stories and insights along with more photos of Chartres and the labyrinth.

2022 - 27 November "How to labyrinth when you don't have one nearby" with Kim Adele

Kim shares ways of creating labyrinths on paper and with found objects, among other creative ways of bringing the labyrinth into your life. The recording is here, and the slides will be mailed to people who registered.

2022 - 17 December 2022
"Opening up your presence"

A hand labyrinth walk with Angelo Virgona, exploring what Christmas might mean for us, regardless of our faith tradition or religion, unfolding how Hope, Peace, Love and Joy are interwoven.

Here's the video (but you had to be there for the sharing afterwards!)

2022 - 13 March - Autumn

Autumn Finger Labyrinth Meditation with Ange Virgona with lovely music by Max Richter.

2022 - 30 April - Breathing in the Labyrinth

A finger labyrinth meditation facilitated by Sue Thomas.

2022 - 22 May - Brainstorming the next steps for the ALN

Stemming from the Gathering and our brainstorming session there, we took the discussion further on Legacy labyrinths, Labyrinths for mental health, the library labyrinth awareness project and discussion on what the Regional Reps do.

Here's the recording.

If you want to refresh what the Gathering's brainstorming session was, have a look here. Contact if you would like to be part of a working group to make any of these things happen!

2022 - 19 June
Labyrinth (Life) Journey with Louise Mason

Louise shares her story of creating a wall labyrinth and the way her life journey became intertwined in the design.

2022 - 18 August  Grounded Balance

Hand labyrinth meditation with Jessica Fleming - recording.

Reflections after the meditation are not recorded to preserve confidentiality - you had to be there!

newsreel 2021

#15 how the labyrinth encourages community

Lead by Elizabeth Schiemer & Jessica Fleming, this session asks the question "What is the best thing that has happened to you from being at a Labyrinth Gathering, or walking the labyrinth in community?"


#17 finger labyrinth meditation with Ange Virgona - on pilgrimage

Ange shares his experiences of pilgrimage and the use of the labyrinth as part of that practice, even when he's "only at home".


#19 in conversation with Amanda Lohrey

Amanda is the prize-winning Australian author of the book "The Labyrinth", interviewed by Tina Christensen.


#20 reconciliation video & discussion

Join Tina Christensen and other labyrinth lovers as we consider the place of the labyrinth in the wider conversation of reconciliation.


#11 sharing circle - temporary labyrinths

Mark Healy convenes a group discussion on how we make and use temporary labyrinths


#7 aussie music & musos

Christina Rowntree in discussion with musos and facilitators about how to choose and use music in labyrinth walks, and spotlighting Aussie musos.


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#13 labyrinth as soul container

Christina Rowntree facilitates an experience of the labyrinth as a Soul Container using a finger labyrinth meditation and discussion.


#8 letting go - meditation

Sue Thomas leads us in a finger labyrinth meditation with poetry from Noel Davis


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#14 sharing circle - stories of transformation

Mark Healy shares his own transformation story, and invites people to share how the labyrinth has enabled transformation  in our lives.


#10 in conversation

Winning the trifecta - low cost, council approval, community labyrinth in the park. Tina Christensen interviews Joy Bowles about the labyrinth she caused in Armidale, northern NSW.


#4 in conversation

Tina Christensen & Barossa and Bunbury Community Labyrinth Creators


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#1 winter solstice meditation

Christina Rowntree


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#5 messy home spun labyrinth walk

Joy Bowles takes us for a walk down the garden path into her mown grass labyrinth.


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#2 building local community

Jessica Fleming, Randal Dennings & Misha Collins


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#6 in conversation

Tina Christensen & Sue Sheridan

InterPlay and the Labyrinth


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#3 sharing circle

Mark Healy


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